Miki Nagahara was born in Andover, USA. The American violinist studied with Prof. Thomas Klug at the University for Arts in Bremen and with Prof. Almita Vamos and Shmuel Ashkenasi at Northwestern University in Illinois.
As a chamber musician she has performed at many well-known festivals such as the Tanglewood Music Center and PODIUM Festival Esslingen, as well as playing on important stages such as the großer Saal of the Elbphilharmonie Hamburg, Symphony Hall Boston and Suntory Hall in Tokyo.
Miki has won 1st prizes with her ensemble in the Chamber Music Competition of WDAV Classical Radio in Davidson, North Carolina, and the Dover Quartet Competition at Northwestern University.
As an orchestral musician, she was a member of the Folkwang Kammerorchester Essen, and enjoys an active role as a musician and board member of ensemble reflektor.